FlameClan Roleplaying Wiki

Don't mind the Greek numbering lAWL

So basically this project's aim is to destroy stereotypes. Like, all of em. 

But unfortunately that'd take yEARSSS so I'm covering a few (15 to be exact), and Imma debunk them assholes, and that'll go to represent all stereotypes. If I can destroy 15 of em, they're all wrong. 

Stereotypes are fuckin stupid bruh

So yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I made a teaser for it (yes that's my freakin face deal with it), and I'll hope you watch it. 


It's not scripted, and it was rushed, so please bear with me. And it's long lol I rambled a lot. But please watch it all. Thanks y'all! Means a lot to me. 
